Scribble figures, shown to me by an art teacher when I was a child, were some of my first methods of practicing figures and poses. Read more about these here.
I recently upgraded my mobile phone. This is my first digital sketch on my new device. Lots of fun to create.
Last night I dreamed I was picking something to wear at some sort of ridiculously high end hotel/boutique. In the dream, I ended up trying on this futuristic geometric number in a deep blue, with super high heels to match. So I had to sketch out the dress from the dream. What could it mean, lol?
I'm supposed to be asleep, but I couldn't rest until I got some things out of my head and onto paper. These are ideas I haven't had time to tackle yet, but hope to as the holiday rush calms down. I'm not ready to reveal details yet, but I'm looking forward to it in the near future!
A sketch I did for a jewelry insert for one of my collections. I uploaded this, tweaked it a little (including turning the hand), and added text to inform the customer or recipient how to wear the piece. See the finished insert here.