Faded drawings from an old sketchbook. I save all my sketchbooks. This one was missing, but recently recovered.
Today I'm working on a commissioned educational display involving a Venn diagram. After I compiled everything I needed to include, inspiration hit, and a clear direction emerged. I did a quick scribbled sketch, to help me work out the general layout. I'm piecing it together now, and will share the finished project later since this jumbled mess is surely only clear to me, lol. The finished, hand drawn piece, which included dimensional components in clay and felt, and removable velcro elements, for interactive use. The intended audience is a 4th grade class. This project was done within the client's limited window of time and budgetary resources. Given greater resources, I would probably have created a digital design, had it professionally printed, and added the dimensional elements to the print. But it was fun to create!